Saturday 14 June 2008

The Mekons - The English Dancing Master 12" (1983, CNT Records)

The Last Dance
(A Dancing Master Such as) Mr. Confess
No Country Dance
Parson's Farewell
Dancing Master (reprise)

Dancing Master


Josh said...

any chance of re-up on this one? thanks...

ROOKSBY said...

Great record (& VERY hard to find).

the saucer people said...

Seven years old and the link is still alive and kicking - now there is a rare surprise when many links don't last 7 days never mind 7 years.

Always had a soft spot for The Mekons ever since buying the Fast compilation as a 11 or 12 year old when it came out (it must have been really cheap as that was the my main criteria in those paper-round job days) - just watched the Revenge Of The Mekons documentary (which is very good obviously) and thought I would go in search of this EP - so many thanks.